Contact Us

Principal: Mrs Rehana Shafquat

Bronte Girls' Secondary Academy Bolling Road, Mill Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD4 7EB

Tel: 01274 044 055


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Attendance Officer: Mrs Uzma Rafiq

Tel: 01274 044 055

Bronte Girls' Academy Named Contact: Ms Marie Joseph

Tel: 01274 044 055

Bronte Girls' Academy SENCO Contact: Mrs S Akhtar

Tel: 01274 044 055

Chair of Governors: Ms J Tiller

iExel Education Trust: One St James Business Park, New Augustus Street, Bradford, BD1 5LL

Tel: 0330 383 2000

We can provide a free paper copy of the information on this website, on request, please send an email to:

Bronte Girls' Academy School Opening Hours:

  • 7.00am - School gates open
  • 8.20am - Morning Registration
  • 3.00pm - End of school day
  • Total time: 33.3 hours per week.

Website Information:

If you require a paper copy of the information on this website, please get in touch with the school office (the information is provided free of charge).