Free School Meals are offered to children under the age of 19 where the parent or guardian is in receipt of one of the benefits shown below:
Children who receive any of the above benefits in their own right (i.e. they get benefits payments directly, instead of through a parent or guardian) can also get Free School Meals.
Free School MealsFree school meals Compliments Select Parent and Carer FAQs
By actively promoting fresh produce and creating an interest in the food we offer, we naturally steer students and staff towards the healthier choices on our menus.
Our aim is to improve the overall knowledge and awareness of healthy eating, and provide our students with the options so they can make an informed choice.
We also have a range of activities that allow us to help educate students on where food comes from.
Our Lunch Menu works on a three-week cycle to make sure there is variety and choice. Click the links below to download our lunch menus.