The academy is part of the iExel Education Trust. As an 11-16 progressive and inclusive community Academy, the Governing Body will consider all applications equally.
BGA is part of the Local Authority’s (LA) Coordinated Admission Arrangements. This means parents/carers will need to complete the LA Common Application Form (CAF) online for all secondary school preferences. No separate forms will be required for Bronte Girls’ Academy.
Applications for BGA should be made on the online system, which can be accessed from the council link below.
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Admissions Policy (BGA) 2026-27
Admissions Policy (BGA) 2025-26
Admission Appeals Timetable (BGA) September 2025 Intake
If, you wish to discuss any aspects of the admission arrangements, please get in touch with the Academy.
To view and download the Parent Handbook, please click the link: Parent Handbook
The PAN for Bronte Girls' Academy 2024-25 was 150 for Year 7 admissions.
The Admission Policy, which details this information, is available to view and download from the link above. (See Section 5. Oversubscription Criteria.)
The Admission Policy, which contains this information, is available to view and download from the link above. (See Section 10. In-Year Admissions.)