Remote Learning

In the event, BGA students need to work from home, it is crucial that they can continue with their studies to work independently.

Our students have access to a range of online platforms to support their learning. This will enable students to continue to engage with their studies and revision beyond the classroom.

Here are the links to useful websites:


Sparx Maths
National Oak Academy
Oak national academy

BBC Bitesize
Bbc bitesize


Art & DT
Art and dt


  • Students do have individual logins for Sparx, KayScience, and Seneca Learning.
  • Some students also work on IXL KS3 English & Maths and have their log ins.


Students also have access to their knowledge organisers and pink book, where they can continue with the Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check method to revise for each of their subjects.


Please also see the Knowledge Organiser Section of our website: Knowledge Organisers - Bronte Girls' Secondary Academy  for copies of the organisers and useful revision tips.

For information about how to stay safe online please click on the link below:

Keeping Safe Online.pdf