
Please note to ensure delivery before September, the last date for ordering is 11th August.

Bronte Girls’ Academy promotes excellence in everything its pupils undertake. The uniform and appearance of pupils will support the academy ethos, and instill pupils with pride to act as ambassadors for the academy. 

High standards of presentation are required at all times when wearing the school uniform.  Whenever the school uniform is worn, it must be complete and not mixed with non-uniform clothing. This includes when traveling to and from school.

The items listed below are compulsory for all pupils (unless otherwise indicated).  Items marked with an *asterisk should be purchased from our approved uniform stockists. Other items can be bought at a variety of retailers.

Main Uniform
Purchase From
Grey blazer with purple piping - badged with school logo Price & Buckland
Plain white blouse - to be worn under the school blazer Choice of retailers
*Grey jumper with purple piping (Optional) - to be worn under the school blazer Price & Buckland
*School Tie purple and grey Price & Buckland
*Grey trousers Price & Buckland
*Grey school jilbab  Price & Buckland
*Optional - Grey school hijab Price & Buckland
Plain black socks or tights (must be worn at all times) Choice of retailers
Plain black shoes (No trainers, fashion decorations, ankle boots, slingbacks, boots, suede shoes, patent leather shoes, fabric shoes or shoes with open toes. Laces and stitching must be black) winter boots may be worn to and from school during adverse weather, but not inside the building. Choice of retailers
Plain black bag Choice of retailers
Plain black or navy outdoor coat (Optional) (denim or leather jackets, or those with slogans or logos, are not permitted) Choice of retailers
Sports Kit
Purchase From

Long/Short sleeved purple & black polo shirt - badged with school logo

Price & Buckland
Black tracksuit bottoms Choice of retailers
Black sports socks Choice of retailers
Trainers Choice of retailers

To purchase several items above, click the link below to visit the Price & Buckland website:

Price & Buckland

You can download the Bronte Girls' Academy Uniform Policy from the link below

BGA Uniform Policy