SEN Provision

Bronte Girls’ Academy has an integrated approach to meeting the special needs of all students.

This may be done through classroom support, individual work, booster classes, short-term intensive sessions, or longer periods of help. The academy has embraced the new SEN framework so that:

  • The educational needs of all students are met holistically and effectively throughout the academy
  • Pupils with special educational needs have full access to the National Curriculum.
  • Pupils with special educational needs can take part fully in all aspects of Academy life.
  • Pupils with the greatest need have appropriate access to external support agencies.
  • Pupils with the greatest need have appropriate access to external support agencies
  • Information about children with special educational needs is collected and shared across the Academy so appropriate learning targets can be negotiated.
  • Parents are kept fully informed about their child's learning needs and they understand the ways in which parents and the Academy can work in partnership to meet those needs.
  • The appropriate resources are available to meet the needs of students with special educational needs.
  • The Academy uses an Assess, Plan, Do review approach to intervention and has a graduated response to SEMH and Literacy to ensure students' needs are met at their specific level of need, in line with the Bradford Matrix of Need.

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Mrs S Akhtar, and can be contacted via email.

SEND Policy

SEND Local Offer

SEND Information Report 2023/24

SEND Complaints

If you have a complaint about the SEND support provided by the school, please refer to the SEND Policy linked above (see Section 9.26).